Google Crome is widely used browser these days. We all know that it's faster than other browsers and it look so simple that anyone feels comfortable with it. According to w3schools.com statistics, more than 60% people use Google Chrome. Here is
the statistics of last few months:

Browser Statistics...

Also, you can see the complete browser use statistics at w3schools.com
This browser comes with many hidden features. Here are the 5 features that I think you should know if you don't till now.

1. Chrome as PDF reader:

You can use Chrome as PDF reader. It's works faster than Adobe reader and for that you don't need any extension or something just open your PDF file with Chrome.

Open PDF FIle in Chrome

2. Split PDF file with Chrome:

Suppose we have a PDF file of 50 pages or more but we need only some specific pages like page number 5-10, 15, 20-27 etc. so as long as we are using Chrome we don't need any other PDF software for this job. So let's see how to do it:
a. Open the PDF file with Chrome which you want to split:

PDF File Open With Chrome

b. Move your mouse cursor to the bottom right corner and click on the Printer icon on the toolbar which appear when you move the cursor.

c. Now a window will appear like the below one, now you have to do is change the "Destination" as "Save As PDF" then in Pages select the below box and enter the page number you want, for above example it will be "5-10,15,20-27" now click Save and you are done.

Split PDF Pages With Chrome....

3. Fill up PDF format forms With Chrome:

These days most of the organizations use PDF format application forms for different purposes. So if you need to fill a PDF format application then you can use Chrome for that job. It's not only fast also looks professional.
Just open the PDF file and start typing. Chrome smartly detect the blank spaces and let you fill-up. But some of the PDF forms may not be supported by this.

Edit PDF With Chrome...

After completed move your mouse to the bottom right corner and click on the Printer icon on the toolbar which appear when you move you cursor.

Now save your file as PDF 

Save PDF Form With Chrome...

4. Save Web Pages as PDF:

Sometimes we save web pages for later use, you can do that with Chrome and save the web pages as a PDF file. Just hit CTRL+P (CMD+P in mac) and a window will appear then select the options 

Save Web Pages as PDF With Chrome

Destination: Save as PDF
Pages: All/"Page No" (if you need selected pages).
Layout: Portrait / Landscape (whatever you want).
Paper Size: Any size you want from the options.
Options: Header Footer, Background Graphics.

After that save the file on your hard drive wherever you want.

5. Remove PDF Password Using Chrome:

 Sometimes PDF file comes with Password Protection and you need to enter the password to open or read it. Like your credit card statements. But you can remove that password so that you don't need to enter the password every time you want to read the file or open it.
And you can do this with Chrome browser.

a. Open the file with Chrome
b. It will ask for the password, insert it

Remove PDF Password with Chrome...

c. When the file opens then save the file on your hard drive.

Save PDF...

d. Now open the file you just saved and it will not ask you for a password.

If there are any other feature you know and want in Chrome tell me in comment bellow. Also, share it with your friends maybe you know it but your friends don't know it yet. 

Connect with me in Google+ for more.
If you have something to say please leave a comment it will help me to bring things more flawlessly.


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