Do you browse the Internet early in the morning or late at night? If "Yes" then you may be facing the same problem I faced. Which is when you open your browser, that white background light hit your eyes also the same when you open a new tab every time and its feel like shit.

But if you are using Google Chrome, then there's a new Google Art Project extension that solves the problem by inserting beautiful artwork into your browser tabs. So whenever you open a new tab, you will be greeted with a beautiful artwork and it will also make your browser looks classy.

If an artwork inspires you and you want to know more about the art then just move your cursor to bottom left corner and you will see the title, artist name and if you click on them it will lead you to Google search page where you will find more about the artwork.

You can change the setting of a different piece of artwork every day, to a different piece of artwork for every new tab.

 While the artwork hides your most frequent visited websites you can find them by clicking on the camera button in the bottom right corner.

Installing the Google Art Project extension is very simple. Go to the extension page by clicking here and then click "Add to Chrome" button and you are good to go.

Now you are saving your eyes by giving your browser a classy look.

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