The most popular mobile messaging app WhatsApp launched a desktop version, which is available as a Google Chrome extension. So Yes, Now Android, Windows and Blackberry user can use WhatsApp on their desktop or laptop and will be able to send and receive messages via their computers, as well as their smartphones.

If you are using iOS then currently you will not be able to use it because of Apple platform limitations.
To install WhatsApp on your desktop or laptop open Google Chrome and visit https://web.whatsapp.com and a page will display like this:

WhatsApp Desktop Version Home Page

Now open the WhatsApp app on your phone then open the app's menu and select the "WhatsApp Web". From there scan the QR code which appear on the web page and it will start the desktop extension and you are ready to go. Now you can send messages from both (Mobile and Desktop) device and massages will be available in both place.

WhatsApp Desktop Version QR Scan

Here are some facts that you should keep in when using this desktop version: 
1. Your mobile needs to stay connected to the Internet for this extension to work.
2. You will not be able to start new group message from the desktop, but you can continue the group conversation started on your phone.
3. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the app. It may not be work with an old version.

If you like this and have any question then please leave a comment. I would appreciate it.
Thank you.

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